
9th April 2020

When all this began, it was cold and it felt like the end of winter. The trees were bare, and it got dark a lot earlier. The snowdrops had finished, the daffodils were still around - but not a lot else.

In the last three weeks.... Spring has arrived. It's now April. The leaves are appearing, the primroses and tulips are blooming, the bluebells are opening and we even have a pink azalea in our garden. The sun is now very warm and the clocks went forward by one hour, so now we have daylight for longer.

Now comes the frustration. No evening walks (apart from the short ones from our front door). No weekend visits to the coast and walks along the seafront. No stopping for a coffee while watching the waves. 

So I'm going to focus on the good, the things I can be grateful for. My husband, children and grandchildren and friends. Time spent in my garden, maybe a longer walk to the river. I have enough food to eat, I can use modern technology and see those I talk to. I have my health and I have life.   

It's so easy to start moaning and wishing for what we can't have. We have so much to be thankful for.... when life is so hard for so many. When many have lost their incomes. When others are facing long weary hours, putting their life on the line. When many are sick and struggling for what may be their last breath. 

I also have a faith. Faith in a God who I know loves me, is able to take care of me. A God who is faithful, even in times of life when things aren't as easy (especially then). He is the Giver of Hope. I'm looking forward to this Easter weekend and I'm so grateful for the hope that first Easter brought to the world.